Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Animation Class

Hahahaa... Cat girlz!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Video Lulz

Just something I did with some friends


This is an Artist blog to promote my work, feel free to comment on anything you see. Right now I'm using it for class reasons but may return to actually use it actually get work or to just show off my stuff.

Photoshop & Illustrator Work

Here are some of my work using Illustrator and Photoshop. I'm well experienced on Photoshop, however only had one year for Illustrator so sorry if my Illustrator piece looks amateurish.

Panda Design Poster

Panda Design Poster
Pandas Win! This piece is the only one here I made on Illustrator so far... Its a bit bland but some of my friends like it.... But I think thats just cause it's a panda eatin rice.

Pink Turn around

Pink Turn around
Character Designs for Animation Class. No the animation isn't in color... Yet. I will post the poorly made animation as soon as I can. Or when I feel like it.

To Hunt again

To Hunt again
I really love Capcom Games and well I've been craving more of this game lately,,, Sob... For Any of those who don't reconize this game its called Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for the PSP! I recommend it to those who want to experence hunting down dragons and... dinosaurs? Then later make their hides and faces into armor and crap...

Colaberation Piece

Colaberation Piece
A friend drew the lines and I wanted to color so I did... She deserves more cred though!... However I did the relining , colors, and effects... but relining was easy and sorta fun though... If anyone wants me to I'll be willing to color in thing for you for free, but the line quality must meet my standards... and I will reject if I find it to be a boring piece...

Randomeness Series

Here are some artwork that don't belong to any classes nor have any meaning to them what so ever... They were more to express my bottom-less loneliness... Lulz yeah I know sorta sad but not really!

Flaming Fairy/Unicorn Bear Thingy

Flaming Fairy/Unicorn Bear Thingy
I got really bored one day... This is, as the title says, a flaming fairy unicorn bear...Thing... I don't know I found the bear pic and all I did after the cut and paste is a blur... It looks funny though.

Two Horses One Chainsaw

Two Horses One Chainsaw
Yet again Bordom strikes... I got the idea from 300... yes somehow I found a way to connect 300 to a horse beheading another horse. It looks badly mad I know but I like it... Yes the chainsaw is on fire and the horse is wearing a viking helm and there are random asian people just watching this.

My RPG to be

I'm Currently working on Art Works for my soon to be RPG called SoulBullet since I have this hobby for video games I decided to make my own, somewhat legit game... By somewhat legit lets just say I'm using some materials from the RPG maker I download... Hehehe It's still legit though right?

Character One

Character One
A design for the main character for one of my RPG maker game. He has no name yet but he will be the main portagonist of the game. Well so far he's a demon the survived the demon holocaust that happend some time ago, I don't know didn't plan every thing out yet... But Its around those lines...

Character Two

Character Two
A possable entery for the main heroin for my RPG don't knkow yet... Gonna go for a few more and see which to go with.